Spiritual Life At EPCHS

Chaplaincy at EPCHS

When questioned by the Pharisees, “Which is the greatest commandment?” Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” As a Chaplaincy we are committed to serving all in our community and strive to imbue a culture of love and kindness.
Our school’s mission statement is found in St. John’s Gospel Chapter 10 Verse 10. Jesus said, “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” As Christ’s life is an example of unconditional love, we believe that in sharing and receiving love we shall “have life and have to the full”.

School Chaplains

Pat and Angela are our school’s Lay Chaplains. They help support the Catholic Life of the school by arranging regular Year Group Mass’, Year Group Retreat Days and provide daily Tutor Group prayer resources. They also mark out poignant Feast Days, Liturgical Seasons and Holy Days of Obligation. Our Chaplains are bearers and sharers of Christ’s light and are as such servants of all affiliated with our school family. They work closely with, and support, members of our staff and student body, maintain strong links with our local clergy and parishes and liaise with our local Catholic Feeder Schools.